Greenock Creek Ronnfeldt Road Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 Barossa Valley, South Australia Australia
Greenock CreekAbout the winery
The grapes for this wine are picked from a solitary estate vineyard on the Roennfeldt Road property at Marananga close to Greenock. The vines are around 80 years old, and this is our smallest vineyard. The vines crop at 1.0 to 1.5 tons every acre of land and the grapes are singled out phenological readiness and flavour at a baume scope of 14 to 16º. This baume can create a commonly happening high liquor, despite the fact that this will rely on upon regular conditions.
Following picking the grapes are fermented in huge, shallow open fermenters, pumped over, chilled and squeezed through a wicker basket press. The free run and pressings are kept separate through development and mixed back together one week prior to packaging. Taking after essential maturation the wine is racked into barrel to experience characteristic MLF.The wine is left to develop in barrels (all new French hogsheads) for a sum of 36 months and after that packaged. The wine is normally not separated or fined preceding packaging, and is then left in jug to develop for an additional 24 months. This accordingly implies that the wine has been in barrel or container for in overabundance of five years preceding its discharge.
Winery Details
Greenock Creek Wines
54 Radford Road
Seppeltsfield, SA, 5355, Australia
Phone: (08) 8562 8103
Website: http://www.greenockcreekwines.com.au/
About the wine
The Roennfeldt Road 2006 is a red wine, made by Greenock Creek. Its source is Barossa Valley in Barossa, South Australia, Australia. It is produced using the Cabernet Sauvignon grape. It is created from the 2006 harvest. It is extraordinary in its thickness and complexity, and yet it radiates the happy assumption of youth in every perspective. Its tannins are delicate: those dried apple and lemon essence compositions are about more or less gravelly. It is new, and supple, but it gladly demonstrates a gunmetal flicker, a glimmer of dagger in the dark. It has the essence of dagger, as well, in its swarfy, metallic tail.